Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Trailer is almost finished... and her name is Molly

Yes, Molly is nearly complete. She is mostly water tight and roadworthy. We've hauled her over 1000 miles over the previous 2 weekends without a single problem... whew! The next phase to to finish the interior.

Perhaps I'll make it a project for this winter to actually write about the rebuild. For now, I have recompiled all of my previous photos into a new google / picasa web album and added the good new photos through last weekend. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeramie!

    Do you still own your Silver Queen? We just bought a 15' 1966 Silver Queen a few months ago but can't seem to find much information on them. Would love to know if your aware of others out there with Silver Queens. If you have Facebook I just started a group page called "Vintage Silver Queen Trailer Enthusiasts" in hopes of finding other Silver Queen owners.

    Hope "Molly" has given you many fun adventures!

